Environmental Policy

Environmental Responsibility

Everyone has a responsibility to preserve the environment, as we all have a stake in this amazing planet. We recycle all waste and printing consumables, our printing inks are eco-friendly and are disposed of using an environmentally friendly process.

We encourage our customers to only order what they actually need rather than having surplus stock left wasting away on a shelf. Our digital printing process is quick, efficient and cost effective which has less impact on our environment, so please think green and do your part to cut down on waste.

All of our material suppliers have environmental credentials and share our same high standards, we insist on it. We could buy cheaper uncertified paper produced from virgin rain forests but we set our environmental standards higher than this and rightly so, we know our customers expect this of us.

For our latest carbon capture project, we have teamed up with The Woodland Trust. Together, we are helping reduce the amount of carbon dioxide from the earth's atmosphere by planting trees. For every tree we use for our paper sticky labels, another tree is planted. Trees produce the oxygen we breathe and absorbs pollution. So far we have created over 100m2 of new native woodland in the UK and helped to remove over 4000kg of carbon dioxide. We will continue to support these vitally important schemes and give back to the environment wherever we can.

The Woodland Trust - Creating new woodland is at the heart of what they do, their aim is to tackle climate change by pledging to plant 50 million trees over the next 5 years which will help the UK to meet its carbon net-zero goal.

For more information please visit www.woodlandtrust.org.uk


PEFC - Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes, is fast becoming recognised as the standard for evidence of legal and sustainable sourcing of timber and paper products.

For more information please visit www.pefc.org.