Variable Data & Multiple Designs

What is variable data and how do I set up a Microsoft Excel Variable Data sheet?

Variable data gives you the flexibility to print different text on a single print run.

For example, if you have 500 different addresses to print on your design for a mailing project then all we need is an Excel spreadsheet database with the relevant information.

Order variable data poster image

To supply us with variable data, download our Excel database file, add your variable data text and send it to us.

Contact Name Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Address Line 3 Address Line 4 Address Line 5
Mr Andy Labels Handy Labels Label HQ Adhesive Street Labelsford LA8 3LS
Mrs Andi Tags Handy Tags Tag Towers Retail Road Taggleton TA9 5XX


Please supply the Excel database in the format shown above. The first row of your Excel database will need to be your

Title Headings, which can be named however you please, will need to be present to enable us to extract your information correctly.

Can I set multiple artwork designs all up on the same sheet?

No. We require your artwork supplied on a 1up basis.

Are 'variable data' and 'multiple designs' the same thing?

No we treat them as two separate options.

Variable data is generally supplied in the form of an Excel spreadsheet, and is usually used for orders such as needing to print 500 different addresses on a single print run or requiring 1000 labels sequentially numbered with your company logo.

Multiple Designs are treated slightly differently, you may require 10 different designs printed within the same print run. You can split the quantities of the individual designs however you choose within the total order quantity. For example, if you upload 10 designs, you may require 100 printed of each design within your 1000 total quantity.

Please note, both variable data and multiple design options are only available when using the same label shape, size, printing process and material.

If you are unsure what the most cost effective option is for your particular order, then please get in touch and we’ll help you out.

Why do you offer a variable data and multiple design service?

Simple, we want to save you money. It’s far cheaper for you to order a 500 quantity of 5 designs rather than 5 separate orders of 100 quantity. We’re nice like that.